The WOW Report: Project Contrast Gallery 2018

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On August 25, 2018, Project Contrast will release Series 3. There series will cover the stories of Queer Youth and their own personal stories for what they go through day-to-day. 

The amount of LGBTQ youth that struggle on a daily is exponential. When you grow up and don’t see people like you on the day to day or when you feel like you are alone it makes you question why you exist. This is a struggle that many LGBTQ youth are currently having or have had, myself included. Thoughts like these are part of why suicide rates are so high for LGBTQ youth, but Maxwell Poth is working to fight back.

Read full story by clicking below.


Project Contrast (Love Yourself) - Single


The ADVOCATE: Throws a Lifeline to LGBTQ+ Youth