Admittedly, there’s not a huge amount that I can say about my past. Not that I don’t want to, I just can’t remember.  Regarding the LGBTQ community, I’ve really never payed too much attention to it. In the last six months I have found a wonderful support group, and some good friends. They stayed by my side through all the hard times. The best advice I can give is to find good friends. True friends, who will stand by you through thick and thin. The friends who will stand by you because of who you are not what you are. There is always going to be that one person. If you’re bullied, I can’t say to just ignore it as I have my entire life, you need to tell someone about it. If there’s one person sympathetic to your cause, then you’ve succeeded. If there is another person sympathetic to the both of you, then it’s an exponential growth. Don’t just give up. If you give up, everyone that has said anything bad about you or gay community wins. Try to project contentment. No matter what you do, live life as you wish. I’m currently in a gay relationship. My Youth Group leader from church knows that I’m gay and that I have a boyfriend. He supports me either way. You need to find people to support you. Nothing more, nothing less.


