Hi I'm Lily, I'm 19 and I'm a transgender female. I want to stress the importance of having a supportive community to all transgender individuals in Oklahoma. Finding a community can be a little challenging-- especially in Oklahoma. That being said, you'll need to talk to someone who can resonate with experience. Facebook is a really useful tool, as there aren’t many centers here (to my knowledge). 

We have small online groups that are ran by clubs, colleges, organizations, and some run by individual people. I know, there are a couple throughout the area, and they are very helpful. Just make sure you’re careful if the group you join is led by a religious organization; while they may say they're accepting, I find that it is very rare for them to be fully open-minded. LGBTQ+ people in Oklahoma often gravitate towards each other, but it can be hard if you don’t know where to go. I am lucky to have a Mother who has learned to accept me, and tries to be supportive. 

Something I’d like to say is being “accepted” and being “supportive” are two different things. Being accepting is saying, “Alright- you are who you are and that is that.” You still have to go through the journey yourself. When someone is supportive, that means they are there to help you along the way. While you are doing a lot of the work yourself, you are also receiving help from those around you.  Both acceptance and support are positive, but they are not the same.

To the young trans people in the community, I've been through what you're going through. It's definitely challenging, but it does get better. You are so loved.  


